Support page for First Strike — First Strike (2025)

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Q: Can you add multiplayer to First Strike?

A: Yes we can and we did! The free mobile version on Android and iOS now has a MULTIPLAYER MODE.

Q: And multiplayer for the Steam version?

A: Yes, multiplayer is available as well for Steam as a free DLC. Get it here!

Q: But why not release multiplayer on Steam as well from the start? And why only for the free mobile version?

A: First Strike started out as a mobile title and the free version has a much bigger player base on mobile, that's why we focus on that version first. The revenue from the free version helps us finance the work we do on First Strike in the long term.

Q: Can you add more countries and superweapons? Can you add (INSERT ANY OTHER FEATURE REQUEST)?

A: We collect and keep fan suggestions in mind while we work on expanding First Strike for the future, but we can't promise which ones will be added.

Q: What are the most requested features?

A: More superweapons, more superpowers, navy, in-game chat for multiplayer, sandbox mode, more modes (e.g. inspired by real wars/conflicts), moon base, new planet/map, 2D map, ground units, save cloud system for mobile devices.

Q: What is the difference between the free version of First Strike and First Strike: Classic?

A: The paid version, First Strike: Classic, will stay the same and provide the typical First Strike experience. The free version will get new content because that version is now our experimental 'nuclear playground' where we try out new gameplay material for First Strike.

Q: Why is there more content on the free version of First Strike than on the paid version?

A: We actually have many players all over the world that only use the free version. Therefore, more people will get the new content if we release it on the free version.

Q: But I paid for the paid version, now what?

A: You can get the free version on your iOS or Android device while still keeping the paid version and try out the new content for free. The Classic version you paid for still provides the typical First Strike gaming experience, when you just want to play a normal round of First Strike.

Q: How do I activate hardcore mode?

A: In FS: Classic when you're at the superpower selection screen you need to set the number of enemies to at least 8. Then you can activate the hardcore mode button. You need to unlock countries first if you can't set the number to 8 yet. In First Strike you now have three difficulties to choose from, no matter how many enemies you have.

Q: Where's my First Strike progress (unlocked superpowers and superweapons)? It's gone!

A: Keep in mind, you lose your progress when you uninstall FS on your phone. FS does not support cloud saving on mobile. For the Steam version, cloud saving is possible. Check the settings for FS in your Steam client.

Q: What is the meaning of the "The Final Atomic Union" and "The Smashers of the Doomsday Machine" buttons in the newsletter sign up?

A: Those two are movements (like political or social movements) you can join to get special briefings from our newsletter in the future. "The Final Atomic Union" is a group that likes nuclear weapons and war. "The Smashers of the Doomsday Machine" is a group that wants to fight for peace and destroy nuclear weapons.

Q: What do I need to do to unlock [SUPERPOWER or SUPERWEAPON]?

A: FOR FIRST STRIKE: CLASSIC: You can check the Steam achievements to see what is needed to unlock certain superpower. And each superweapon is connected to a superpower. If you unlock a superpower, you also unlock its superweapon. You can check which superweapon belongs to which superpower on the First Strike Wiki.

FOR THE FREE VERSION: You unlock the other superpowers by subscribing to the Nuclear Club or by directly paying for the nation you want.

Q: Are there modifiers for the singleplayer? Where can I select them?

A: Yes, we have the Daily Conflict modes. Each day, you can try out a different challenge in the singleplayer. If you win, you have that modifier unlocked for any other day. If you're a Nuclear Club subscriber you get all the modifiers unlocked automatically. The button for the modifiers is in the middle of the screen / in the middle of the Earth globe when you're in the superweapons selections screen.

Support page for First Strike — First Strike (2025)


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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.