Strategy Nintendo DS Games (2025)

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Strategy Nintendo DS Games (1)

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (2)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (3)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (4)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (5)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (6)


December 1, 2009

A spin-off of the popular Might & Magic series by Capybara Games, originally released for Nintendo DS, and later also for PC and the eight generation consoles. It is a combination of logic puzzle games and turn-based strategies with significant plot, and visuals-wise it resembles a jRPG. The story was divided into 5 episodes, during which you have to complete quests, explore the world, talk to NPCs, and, of course, fight enemies. The game focuses strongly on creating and managing your team, consisting of e.g. knights, elves, wizards, necromancers, or tamed demons. It allows you to use various strategies and your troops' special abilities in battle. The single player mode is complemented by an online and a local multiplayer mode, in which your team competes against other players' teams.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (7)

Anno: Create a New World

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (8)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (9)


May 20, 2009

The fourth major installment in the popular series of economy simulators that began in 1998. It was developed by Related Designs, a subsidiary of Ubisoft. As the title says, the action takes place in the Middle Ages during the Age of Discovery, and the players assume the role of colonists who managed to reach the eastern coast of Asia. The gameplay mechanics do not deviate from the well-known standards of the series. Starting out with a modest colony established on a remote island, we have to develop it and transform subsequent cities into metropolises brimming with life. Anno 1404 offers a sophisticated economy model that involves creating complex production chains as well as effective trade and diplomacy. Among this myriad of lesser novelties, especially noteworthy one is the sandbox mode that allows us to play freely without any plot limitations.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (10)

Disciples II: Dark Prophecy

A turn-based strategy embedded in the reality of fantasy, which is a direct continuation of Disciples: Sacred Lands. We enter a magical world reminiscent of the Middle Ages, where four races fight for vast territories. Compared to the previous part, graphics, user interface and artificial intelligence of opponents have been improved. The game has a multiplayer mode for up to four players.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (13)

Anno 1701

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (14)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (15)


August 24, 2007

Anno 1701 is a position that will be of particular interest to lovers of the laborious development and expansion of overseas properties and growing into power through skillful, economical manoeuvres.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (16)

Tom Clancy's EndWar

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (17)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (18)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (19)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (20)


November 4, 2008

Tom Clancy's EndWar, a game signed by the famous writer's name, is an RTS by Ubisoft Shanghai. The plot of Tom Clancy’s EndWar is set in the year 2020 and tells the story of a fictitional conflict between the USA, the EU, and Russia, which sprang from the competition for resources and dominance in space, as well as an attempt to topple the balance of power which had been established between the East and the West. During the game, players take control of one of the sides of this conflict, and the gameplay is conducted on two levels: the first one is the tactical map, depicting the changing situation as in the table top game called "Risk". The other layer is the classical commanding of units in battles, which are held both in open areas and in cities. The players control a number of units divided between infantry, armor, helicopters, and artillery. The campaign is complimented by a complex multiplayer mode.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (21)

Commander: Europe at War

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (22)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (23)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (24)


March 20, 2009

A turn-based war game set in the realities of World War II. We can direct the Allied forces to repel the march of the Nazi armies or crush enemies to the glory of the Third Reich. The authors offered six great campaigns taking place on all corners of the world. Battle mechanics focuses on tactical depth and historical realism.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (25)

Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (26)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (27)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (28)



A long-awaited sequel to an innovative strategy game created by Cyberlore Studios in 2000. This installment was developed by a Russian studio Ino-Co. What is the game's distinctive feature, the player does not have direct control of the characters. Instead, one sets the objectives and prizes for completing them.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (29)

The Settlers (1993)

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (30)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (31)


July 12, 2007

The Settlers is the first installment of an extremely popular series of real-time strategy games that takes us to a medieval kingdom torn apart by war between conflicting barons.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (32)

Age of Empires: The Age of Kings

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (33)


February 14, 2006

Turn-based strategy game developed by Digital Eclipse for the Nintendo DS console. Players lead one of five nations (Britons, Franks, Saracens, Mongols and Japanese) to victory in unique campaigns. Gameplay focuses on gathering resources, researching new technologies and forming powerful armies. We can choose from 45 various units, as well as heroes like Richard the Lionheart, Saladin and even Robin Hood. Age of Empires: The Age of Kings makes use of the unique features of the handheld, with main screen showing data about units and other information, as well as fights against enemies, while the bottom screen let us navigate on map and plan our next move. Aside from single player, there is a multiplayer mode for up to four players.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (34)

Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (35)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (36)


December 7, 2007

Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command is a game based on the famous figure battle game from the Games Workshop. It is a dynamic and extremely spectacular strategy, organised in a classic turn-based system and depicting the futuristic armed conflict between the Empire and Choas.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (37)

Jagged Alliance

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (38)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (39)


May 19, 2009

Jagged Alliance is the first installment of a series of tactical turn-based strategies, for which the development team of Sir-Tech is responsible. The player commands a group of mercenaries to clear Metavira's tropical island of enemies. Branch members have different skills and the success of individual missions depends on their proper use.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (40)

SteamWorld Tower Defense

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (41)


July 5, 2010

Classic tower defence strategy, set in the original world, combining elements of steampunk and westerns. As a sheriff of the "robotic" town of Cowbot County, we try to stop the invasion of people who are sharpening their teeth on the gold mines in our possession.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (42)

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (43)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (44)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (45)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (46)


July 8, 2008

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution was created specifically for consoles, though the game belongs to one of the most popular strategy game franchises aimed at PC players. The series made its debut in early 1990s, as initiated by a company known as MicroProse; the Civilization series have been developed by Sid Meier's Firaxis Games nowadays. Similar to the previous installments, Revolution is a turn-based strategy game requiring the player to develop a civilization they have chosen - the process lasts for entire in-game millennia. Each of the sixteen playable nations was assigned to a famous leader, such as Napoleon or Cleopatra. The player not only has to explore and expand their civilization, but also ensure its constant development (cities, technologies, creating trade routes, establishing diplomatic relations, controlling both internal policy and military actions). One is capable of achieving victory here in several different ways, such as military conquest, going beyond earth, economic or cultural domination for instance. Apart from a single player experience, the game offers an opportunity to compete against other players. The version for home consoles comes with colorful, three-dimensional visuals.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (47)

City Life DS

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (48)


September 4, 2008

Pocket version of a well-known economic strategy. We create our own metropolis. The game places the greatest emphasis on showing the development of the city, pushing the problem of budget management to the background.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (49)

SimCity Creator

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (50)


September 28, 2008

Sim City Creator is another part of an extremely popular series of economic strategies, in which the player is given the opportunity to play the role of the builder and mayor of the metropolis he has created.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (51)

Defendin' De Penguin

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (52)


September 2, 2008

A real-time strategy that is not very demanding. We strive to protect the penguin village from predator attacks. For this purpose, we construct and skillfully deploy available defense systems.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (53)

Star Trek: Tactical Assault

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (54)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (55)


October 24, 2006

Star Trek: Tactical Assault is the first Star Wandering game for new types of pocket consoles (PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS). The Quicksilver Software studio is responsible for the development of this position, created on the occasion of the 40th birthday of the universe.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (56)

SimCity DS

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (57)


June 19, 2007

The SimCity DS is an economic strategy, designed exclusively for the owners of a two screen console from the Nintendo stables. It belongs to a well-known cycle, treating about the construction and development of the city. This item was created on the basis of the game SimCity 3000 published in January 1999, although it is not a 100% conversion.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (58)

Hysteria Hospital: Emergency Ward

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (59)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (60)


June 16, 2009

Quite a loose simulation of hospital management. Initially, we take control of the clinic in Maryville to become head of the clinic in New York City over time.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (61)

World of Zoo

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (62)Strategy Nintendo DS Games (63)


October 26, 2009

World of Zoo is a strategy game addressed mainly to young audiences, created by Blue Fang Games development studio. The player plays the role of the manager of the virtual zoo and has to take care of the comfort of its inhabitants. The game is enriched with arcade mini-games and educational materials prepared by the editorial team of National Geographic.

Strategy Nintendo DS Games (2025)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.